About the Festival

The Catholic Schools Music Festival is the premier Arts Event for Catholic Education in South Australia.

It is a showcase of talent from students within upper primary and secondary Catholic schools involving approximately 2000 students who spend 8 months preparing for their moment on stage.

We're a not-for-profit event which relies on the generous support of school communities and volunteers to make it a great success.

Performances are held each September on a large stage in a professional setting, with each evening featuring a massed choir, instrumental ensembles, vocal groups and solo artists.

The musical program consists of a 374-voice Combined Schools Upper Primary Choir formed by different schools on each of the four evenings. Approximately 70 schools involved in the massed choir rehearse weekly with their Choir Trainer, and then come together for their combined rehearsal one month prior to the event.

The choral program is supported by many other performers.  The music team write arrangements of the choral songs to involve both primary and secondary school soloists chosen by audition. The massed choir is complemented by a Secondary Girls Choir and a Secondary Boys Vocal Ensemble. The whole sound is accompanied by selected secondary students who form a string ensemble, and a 4-piece rhythm section which includes the Festival accompanists who work with the choirs year-round.

A variety of high calibre Support Acts selected by audition comprising solo, duet, small and large ensemble items provide entertainment throughout the evening both on stage interspersed throughout the choral program and as foyer entertainment prior to the concert.

Student Compere auditions are held to select eight students, 4 from middle school and 4 from senior secondary to host an evening performance in pairs. These students work together with an adult mentor across a series of workshops and individual sessions and are coached in public speaking skills.

The Festival is more than just a week of performances.
It is a year of education.

Students from differing backgrounds come together and share social and emotional interaction in a positive learning environment. To be able to experience the journey involving a large-scale professional performance in one of Adelaide’s most prestigious venues is very significant and beneficial to our young people on so many levels.

The first performance was held in St Peter’s College Memorial Hall on August 16, 1989. On that occasion, 16 schools participated in the festival choir and five support acts performed. The following year it moved venue to the Adelaide Festival Theatre and in 1991 was performed across two nights. In 1998 this was extended to three nights, then in 2001 it grew to four nights where it has remained to date.  2024 marks the 36th annual festival with 80 schools now participating including representation from our regional communities. 

Choir Trainers attend 3 teacher-training sessions during the first half of the year to learn choral techniques and to help students develop the skills required to memorise their repertoire and choreography. In addition, the CESA Music Director regularly visits schools to provide support to teachers, to build a rapport with students, and to bring the whole musical program together.

The Music Festival sits in the Catholic Identity and Mission section of CESA. Key personnel comprise a Production Coordinator and Music Director, supported by the Ministry of Arts Senior Advisor and a volunteer committee of 10 members who are teachers, music coordinators and leaders in the Catholic school system. The committee meet regularly throughout the year providing invaluable assistance and guidance and all are strong advocates of music education and the provision of opportunities for young people.